Monday, January 15, 2007

Time Management for Unmanageable People

book cover, Time Management for Unmanageable People

I picked up Time Management for Unmanageable People, by Ann McGee-Cooper with Duane Trammer, at a local used bookstore - adding it to my rather large collection of organizing-related books.

While I didn't get a whole lot from the book, I did feel the authors came up with some wonderful phrases. One was hurry sickness, which I discussed earlier.

Another was joy break - "anything that will rest and renew you by taking your mind off work for a little while." The authors talk about taking a morning joy break - doesn't that sound good?

Finally, I really enjoyed the discussion of how we contaminate time - we do this "when we are not able to stay focused in the moment, or when we are trying to do one thing, but are thinking about another."

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