Monday, February 26, 2007

Do It Tomorrow

book cover, Do It Tomorrow

My e-mail correspondent Silvia, who hangs out in some of the same Yahoo! groups as I do (The Now Habit and Getting Things Done) has been encouraging me for many months to read Mark Forster's Do It Tomorrow. I finally did, and I'm very glad she pushed me into it!

At first I wasn't so sure about that, because I didn't like the first chapter - and the first part of the second chapter wasn't all that compelling, either. I read books like this with a highlighter in hand, and I didn't highlight anything until page 33.

But I'm glad I kept going. Some of Mark's approaches (closed lists of daily will-do items, for example) seem quite useful - at least for some people. (No one system works for everyone.) This book has definitely earned a place on my bookshelf.

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