Sunday, February 11, 2007

It's All Too Much, by Peter Walsh

book cover, It's All Too Much

Peter Walsh got famous for his work on the TV show Clean Sweep. I heard him speak in person at the NAPO-SFBA (National Association of Professional Organizers - San Francisco Bay Area chapter) regional conference in 2005, and he was insightful and delightful.

So I'm very pleased to report that his new book, It's All Too Much, is terrific. Peter has a few main themes, including these:

- You must first "imagine the life you want to live", so you can then ensure that everything in your home will help move your life vision forward.

- "You only have the space you have" - so either move, or learn to make choices and live within the limits of your space.

- If you value an item, it should get honor and respect - not be buried in dust or shoved in a plastic bag somewhere.

Beyond the main themes, the book is filled with advice for every part of the home and all the challenges found there - books, collections, children's school and art work, etc.

And the book sounds like Peter - I can hear him speaking the words. I like a book with plenty of personality, and this one certainly has that.

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