Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Toy Co-op: One Way to Get Toys Under Control

Professional Organizer Judy Brown of British Columbia, Canada extols the joys of joining a toy cooperative:

"One of our best investments was a membership in a toy co-operative. For a small yearly fee (I think it was about $25.00) we could borrow quality sturdy wooden, handmade toys. . . . Once you paid your yearly membership, you could go and take out toys much like you go to the library to borrow books.

The kids got to play with toys we never could have afforded and they enjoyed choosing new playthings every couple of weeks. If you don't have a toy co-op in your area, perhaps you could start one up with other families in your neighbourhood."

Here are some places that have toy co-ops; they each explain how theirs works.
- The Greater Nashua Mother's Club
- The Redwood City Mothers Club
- The Dakota County Family Child Care Association

Want to start your own? Here are some suggestions about how to do that.

(Thanks to Professional Organizer Monica Ricci for pointing me to Judy Brown.)

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