Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Professional Organizers Show Their Desks

Jeri Dansky's home office with iMac, artwork, and cat

Blogger and Professional Organizer Ariane Benefit at Neat Living has challenged other professional organizers to post pictures of their own desks.

So here's mine - taken this afternoon, when the light wasn't at its best, but you can still get the general idea. (If I can get a better picture tomorrow morning, I'll replace the one that's here.) To the right of my desk I have places where the cats can curl up; you can see my 20+ pound Moonshadow over there. There are also kitty beds under the desk.

The sculpture of the boar is by Wataru Sugiyama of Ashland, Oregon. The black and white photo is by Chris Honeysett. The poster behind my desk came from Singapore, many years ago.

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