Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why You Really Might Want a Label Maker

Borther P-touch label maker
I'm with Gina at Lifehacker - when I first read David Allen's Getting Things Done, I was sure I didn't need a label maker. And like Gina, I changed my mind. I now have one client (who loves her new labels) who has taken to calling me Our Lady of the Label Maker.

Here are Gina's before and after pictures, which show why she's a convert. Look how much easier it is to read the file label when it's not hand-written. Many of us with older eyes will especially appreciate the difference. And it's much nicer aesthetically, if that matters to you.

files with hand-written labels

files with labels from label maker

My labeler of choice is the Brother PT-1950 (shown above) - but any good labeler will do.

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