Thursday, June 7, 2007

Organizing for Travel: The Packing List

packing list written in spiral notebook

I have a huge travel bug, and have taken a fair number of trips to Europe and Asia. One thing that I've done for years is maintained a packing list, so I remember what worked well for me on prior trips, and don't forget as I pack for the next one. Even though I pack on the light side, it's easy to overlook something. Why rely on my memory when a list can do the job so much better?

Yes, in many (but not all) places you can buy almost anything you forgot - and if you forgot something like toothpaste, it really isn't an issue. But if I forgot my nice small binoculars that are great for seeing detail up high on churches and such, getting a replacement would either mean spending a chunk of change, or getting something nowhere as nice as what I already own. And things like prescription medicines can be time-consuming and expensive to get when abroad.

Here are some packing lists from various web sites that you might find useful as a starting point. And if you'd like me to e-mail my personal list to you, just let me know.

The Universal Packing List has you enter a bit of information (gender, whether or not you wash your own clothes, the expected temperatures where you will be traveling, etc.) and then creates the appropriate list.

Rick Steves' Packing List is a decent generic packing list for people traveling in his somewhat-budget style.

And Wikitravel has an article designed to help you create your own packing list.

[photo from Angel on Flickr]

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