Saturday, October 2, 2010

OFFICAL Concern That Al-Qaeda Terror Teams Have Selected Targets, Ready to Strike “Mumbai Style” In Europe and USA Led by Adnan El Shukrijumah, Look Out For October 12th.

Strong concerns that Al-Qaeda terrorist teams in Europe have selected their targets, completed their surveillance, eluded capture and are now ready to strike at airports and tourist attractions have prompted the State Department to ready a highly unusual travel advisory for Europe, multiple law enforcement and intelligence sources tell ABC News.

The current concerns are for scenarios that include opening fire at airports in Europe as well as executing similar attacks at “soft” targets like tourist attractions or hotels. European and U.S. authorities first learned of the plot over the summer following the capture of a suspected German terrorist who had been training in Pakistan.

The head al-Qaeda guy in this terror plot is going to be ex-Florida used car dealer Adnan el-Shukrijumah, his photo above, just like he was in charge of the NY Subway Terror plot with Najibullah Zazi. Where are the Al-Qaeda kill teams going to hit in the USA, New York, Washington, Miami, Baltimore and when?????

October 12th, 2010 is coming up, Al-Qaeda loves to attack on important anniversary dates, such as the upcoming 10th anniversary of the USS Cole bombing which was a suicide attack against the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole on October 12, 2000 while it was harbored and refueling in the Yemeni port of Aden.

The Justice Department announced that it charged five al Qaeda members with plotting to not just attack the NYC subways last fall but also attack another country. Per the FBI press release, the scheme the involved former Queens resident Najibullah Zazi “was also directly related to a scheme by al Qaeda plotters in Pakistan to use Western operatives to attack a target in the United Kingdom.”

One of the men charged is Adnan El Shukrijumah, the “feared and elusive” leader mentioned in connection with the plot. Apparently he and two others, Saleh al-Somali and Rashid Rauf, were heads of al Qaeda’s “’external operations’ program dedicated to terrorist attacks in the United States and other Western countries.”

From the prosecutors’ press release: “Between September and December 2008, Saleh and El Shukrijumah recruited Zazi and Zazi’s co-conspirators, Zarein Ahmedzay, and Medunjanin, to conduct suicide bombings in New York City using improvised explosive devices made from supplies such as hydrogen peroxide, acetone, flour, and oil. According to the indictment and court filings, Saleh communicated with Zazi through “Ahmad,” an al Qaeda facilitator in Peshawar, Pakistan. In early September 2009, after Zazi constructed the detonator explosives for the attack, he e-mailed with “Ahmad” in Pakistan about the proper ingredients for the flour-based main charge explosive. Zazi pleaded guilty to his role in the New York subway plot on February 22, 2010; Ahmedzay similarly pleaded guilty on April 23, 2010″.

Bill Warner Private Investigator, SEX, CRIME, CHEATERS & TERRORISM.

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