Saturday, February 5, 2011

Twilight Zone or Sanity? Wait, Don't Answer That.

1959 Series LogoImage via WikipediaThis has been the most bizarre week... possibly in the history of my existence.

Everything that was up fell down, and everything that was down rose up.

On the first I was set to watch my son all day at Tx-ex's house. But on Monday, after giving me an awesome new haircut in the morning, I get a call from Mrs. Tx-ex asking if I can come that night because the weather was coming in and they wanted to get on the road.

Hmmmm, more time with my son, in a house I know so well, with unrestricted internet access. Oh, um let me see... YEEEEES!

It's a great night, an even better day and the weather outside is frightful when Tx-ex and Mrs. Tx-ex come home. It's late and the front had arrived leaving 20+ degree weather in its wake. So I stay the night again.

The next day, the weather is worse... and the kid and the company are even better. And there's this comfortable comraderie that grows between us all.

Jas is in heaven... and hell, cause he's now got three parental figures to love him, as well as keep his little hind-end in check.

That night, again in the 20's now with freezing rain... I'm on the couch sleeping next to my son for another night... and Mrs. Tx-ex and I start talking after the boys have gone to bed...

And she's awesome. We would have totally hit it off in the outside world had we met there... But we met here, under the circumstances we did.

She's my son's step-mother now. She's wonderful at it, and Jas loves her as much as either his father or I.

She's married to Tx-ex, and they are in genuine fairy-tale love... which is a little humbling to witness up close and personal with someone you spent over four years living with... in a relationship that he and I both knew was never like that for either one of us.

For some reason we trust each other, Mrs. Tx-ex and I... and she stops being Mrs. Tx-ex and becomes A... and the more we talk... and share... and bless each other through Universal Design... A becomes my friend.

I forgive them everything, and pray that they forgive me... but some things take time...

Tx-ex and I are still us...

So I left the next evening.

To make sure that we all stayed cool with each other and the dynamic that has unfolded before us.

Jas has three parents... because my son is just lucky like that.

And by extension, so are we.

Even if we all look crazy...

We're comfortable with that. Registered & Protected
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