Sunday, July 31, 2011

Norway Mass Murderer Anders Breivik Was A Member of Norwegian Defence League, an Offshoot of English Defence League (EDL) Supported by Pamela Geller.

TELEGRAPH UK...Norway shooting: Anders Breivik sent 'manifesto' to supporters of BNP, English Defence League and Combat 18. Supporters of the BNP, the English Defence League and Combat 18 were among the recipients of Anders Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto which he emailed to contacts 90 minutes before he began his murderous spree.

Already it has emerged that Anders Breivik had made online contact with members of the English Defence League (EDL), chatting to members on Facebook and posting on the group's official website under an assumed name.  The Daily Telegraph has obtained a list of 1,003 email addresses which Breivik sent his manifesto to. The document was sent at 2:08 pm Norwegian time on Friday, shortly before the bomb in Oslo was detonated at about 3.30 pm. Three addresses include reference to the British National Party, while one is addressed to Combat 18, the neo-Nazi organisation. Individuals linked to the EDL are also included.

Daryl Hobson, the EDL supporter who claimed on Facebook that AndersBreivik had attended an EDL demonstration in the UK in 2010, is on the list. The document is also emailed to a C Donnellan. Clive Donnellan is an EDL supporter who has also spoken of his support for the BNP.

Many of the addresses contain clear right-wing references. Some include the number 88. Column 88 was a UK-based neo-nazi organisation. The manifesto is also sent to a group calling itself the East Midlands National Alliance. The list has been forwarded to the police by Tanguys Veys, a Belgian MP for the far-right, anti-Muslim Vlaams-Belang party. Mr Veys is on the list of recipients as are a numbers of his party activists.

One EDL supporter said that Anders Breivik, 32, had attended a demo in support of far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders in London in March 2010. Anders Breivik's solicitor confirmed that he had visited London in the past.

DAILY MAIL UK...Anders Behring Breivik bought bomb-making materials from Britain using eBay.  The right-wing extremist who massacred 77 people during a twin terror attack in Norway had plastic surgery to make him look more Aryan, according to a intelligence official. 

Norwegian investigators are currently going through the 1,500-page 'manifesto' which he posted online before attacking Oslo and the island of Utoya. Officials believe it may be deliberately cryptic in order to perpetuate Breivik's mysterious image.

Lena Andreassen, a former leader of the NDL, confirmed that Breivik had been a member of the group, which is led by British football hooligans. Meanwhile, a senior EDL member has come under attack for starting a debate on which 'liberal twits' deserved to be executed.

Alan Lake, who claims to be the EDL's 'events director', ran an article on his extremist website predicting that Britain would 'start to fragment into Islamic enclaves', according to the Observer.

Lake then encouraged his readers to suggest names of those who should be forced to live in those enclaves, 'and who we will execute if they sneak out.' He nominated David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Rowan Williams, but later removed the post.

Category: Common Interest -
Activities Description: A group protesting against militant islam in Norway and Europe. Free speech is out main goal.

Together we have to act against that is wrong, and for that is right, for the people and for the future children. If we not act now the futue is not going to be bright. The Scandinavia we live in which our forefathers created is going to be nothing but a memory. Everything so many people lived for is going to be in vain. I don’t want to, and you don’t want to, have it on you conscience.

Do you want to held your head up high too? To you want to do the right thing? Then join us my brother, join us my sister! Together we’re going to do the right thing, together we’re going to say no to militant islam in Norway, in Scandinavia and in Europe. Together we’re going to take back and protect our freedom and safety and our democracy. This is not about politic, this is not about not including people, this about taking a distance to the extreme religion islam in Norway, in Scandinavia and in Europe.

Contact Info. Email:  
Office: Oslo Norway

Bill Warner Sarasota Private Investigator Sarasota Fl

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