Monday, July 11, 2011
UPDATE: Missouri's "Don't Tread on Me" license plate bill signed!
Success! Governor Jay Nixon has finally signed SB307 on July 8, 2011 that authorizes Missouri's "Don't Tread on Me" license plate along with some others (see announcement below.)The bill summary is provided below.
This bill allows the Department of Revenue to issue the following special license plates to any motor vehicle except an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of18,000 pounds:
(1) A "COMBAT ACTION" plate with an image of the combat action badge to any person who has been awarded the combat action badge.
To obtain the plate, a person must make application, furnish proof as a recipient of the badge, and pay a $15 fee in addition to the regular registration fee. No fee can be charged for the personalization of the plate;
(2) A "CASS COUNTY -- THE BURNT DISTRICT" plate to a person making an annual $25 contribution to the Cass County collector and paying a $15 fee in addition to the regular registration fee. No fee can be charged for the personalization of the plate. Any funds received by the collector, except for reasonable administrative costs, must be distributed within the county with 80% to public safety and 20% to the Cass County parks and recreation department;
(3) A "NIXA EDUCATION FOUNDATION" plate to a person making a $15 emblem-use contribution to the foundation and paying a $15 fee in addition to the regular registration fee. No fee can be charged for the personalization of the plate. Prior to the issuance of the plate, the department must be in receipt of an application with specified information and an application fee not to exceed $5,000 to defray the department's cost; and
(4) A "DON'T TREAD ON ME" plate to any person who applies.
Missouri Senate votes to create 'Don't Tread on Me' license plate
April 19, 2011
The Missouri Senate voted overwhelmingly today to direct the state Department of Revenue to begin allowing motorist to purchase special license plates featuring the phrase "Don't Tread on Me."
The expression originally appeared on some early flags of the United States. But since 2009 it has been closely associated with the tea party movement. It was this meaning that caused state Sen. Tim Green, D-Spanish Lake, to vote against the measure, which passed on a 31-1 vote.
"The words 'Don't Tread on Me' bring with them a connotation of confrontation," Green said, adding that while he was voting against the measure he still hoped it passed due to the other special license plates it authorized, including one honoring those who received the military's Combat Action Badge. "But I just can't vote in favor because of the bad connotation with that phrase."
A different version of the bill that only included the "Don't Tread on Me" plates passed the House earlier this month on a 113-18 vote. The House would have to pass the new legislation for the plates to become available.
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