Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FOX NEWS Congress to Probe Suspected Connection Between Anwar al-Awlaki, 9/11, Ziyad Khaleel and Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat.

The House Homeland Security Committee “has initiated an investigation” into the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and whether he was an overlooked key player in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a letter from the committee chairman to Attorney General Eric Holder says.

The three-page letter, obtained exclusively by Fox News, makes the case that a decade after the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the full story of 9/11 has not been told.

“This congressional investigation will seek to determine:
1. To what extent Anwar al-Awlaki wittingly or unwittingly facilitated the plot of the 9/11 hijackers; and
"2. to what extent al-Awlaki was an al Qaeda operative, offering support to acts of terrorism prior to 9/11.”

The letter to Holder, sent by Republican Rep. Peter King of New York on May 26, confirms that investigators believe the American cleric's contacts with three of the five hijackers on Flight 77, which slammed into the Pentagon, were more than a series of coincidences, but rather evidence of a purposeful relationship.

“Given the greater collection of intelligence and integration of pertinent data since the attacks of 9/11, I believe that al-Awlaki may have played greater roles in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, as well as other terrorist plots, than those of which we have been previously aware," King writes.

The hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were the first two hijackers into the U.S. – arriving in January 2000 at Los Angeles International Airport. One question always puzzled investigators: Why would the self-described architect of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, send two of his most experienced operatives, who spoke virtually no English, to the ghetto of San Diego unless there was someone there to meet them

In “The American Terrorist,” which profiled the cleric’s life (Anwar al-Awlaki) in Colorado, Southern California and Virginia before 9/11, Fox News confirmed through documents and interviews that al-Awlaki met on a regular basis with the two hijackers al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar in San Diego in 2000. It was in a small anteroom above al-Awlaki's mosque with a single entryway. One of al-Awlaki’s closest associates, a Yemeni, Mohdar Abdullah helped the hijackers find a place to live and find jobs in San Diego.

By early 2001, al-Awlaki moved to a new mosque in Falls Church, Va., where hijacker al-Hazmi seemed to follow him. After they finished their flight training in Arizona, al-Hazmi and pilot Hani Hanjour attended services at al-Awlaki’s mosque.

The House committee investigation is seeking “all documents ... in the possession of the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any other DOJ entity or component” that pertain to al-Awlaki and seven other individuals, including his associate in San Diego Mohdar Abdullah and his associate in Virginia Eyad al-Rababah who directly aided the hijackers.

In addition, it is seeking “files, reports, analysis, assessments, memoranda, notes and presentation in all forms” that are related to long-closed FBI investigations of al-Awlaki in 1999. In that case, the San Diego terrorism task force was investigating an alleged link between al-Awlaki, Usama bin Laden and a “known procurement agent named Ziyad Khaleel…(who) had previously purchased a satellite phone for (bin Laden).” MORE FROM THIS SOURCE..

FBI launches manhunt for the 9/11 gang that got away MOHAMED ALI MOHAMED AL MANSOORI, MESHAL ALHAJRI, FAHAD ABDULLA, ALI ALFEHAID.  The FBI has launched a manhunt for a previously unknown team of men suspected to be part of the 9/11 attacks, the Daily Telegraph can disclose. Secret documents reveal that the three Qatari men conducted surveillance on the targets, provided “support” to the plotters and had tickets for a flight to Washington on the eve of the 9/11 atrocities.

The suspected terrorists flew from London to New York on a British Airways flight three weeks before the attacks. They allegedly carried out surveillance at the World Trade Centre, the White House and in Virginia, the US state where the Pentagon and CIA headquarters are located.

Ten days later they flew to Los Angeles, where they stationed themselves in a hotel near the airport which the FBI has now established was paid for by a “convicted terrorist”, who also paid for their airline tickets.  Investigators are also hunting a fourth man, Mohamed Al Mansoori, who they say supported the alleged terrorist cell while they were in the US.

Mohamed Al Mansoori, who is from the United Arab Emirates, previously lived in Long Beach, Los Angeles. His current location is also unknown, and US officials recommended that he is put on an international terror watch list because he “may pose a threat to aviation in the US and abroad”. Mohamed Al Mansoori also had listed address’s in Irvine, La Mesa and Corona CA.

The report also contains no details of Mohamed Al Mansoori, the former Los Angeles resident who allegedly helped the Qataris as well as proving support to the 19 hijackers.This oversight allowed Mr Al Mansoori to remain in the US undetected for several years after the attack, public records indicate, before the FBI obtained intelligence about his possible role.
The report states that they “sought out and found a group of ideologically like-minded Muslims” in San Diego, before departing for “a brief stay in Los Angeles about which we know little”.  Mr Al Mansoori has been linked to addresses in Irvine and Long Beach, both of which are in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  9/11 hijackers al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi signed a four-month lease for an apartment, #150, Parkwood Apartments, 6401 Mount Ada Road, San Diego, California.  On April 4, 2000, Hazmi took his first flying lesson, a one-hour introductory session at the National Air College in San Diego.

On December 8, 2000, Hani Hanjour arrived in San Diego, having traveled from Dubai via Paris and Cincinnati. al-Hazmi likely picked up Hanjour at the airport. We do not know where Hanjour stayed; a few days later, both men left San Diego. Before departing, they visited the TEXACO gas station in La Mesa, where Hazmi WORKED and he reportedly introduced Hanjour as a “long time friend from Saudi Arabia.” Hazmi told his housemate that he and his friend “Hani” were headed for San Jose to take flying lessons and told his friends that he would stay in touch.

Hijacker Nawaf Al-hazmi works at a Texaco gas station while living in San Diego. This is the only apparent instance of any of the hijackers having a job while in the US. He and hijacker Khalid Almihdhar also frequently socialize at the gas station and Alhazmi works there on and off for about a month at some point after Almihdhar has gone overseas.

The Texaco gas station, Sam’s Star Mart on Spring Street in La Mesa, is owned by Osama “Sam” Mustafa (who now appears to be living in Tampa Fl running a used car lot). [San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/25/2003]

Mustafa was first investigated by the FBI in 1991 after he tells a police officer that the US needs another Pan Am 103 attack and that he could be the one to carry out the attack. He also says all Americans should be killed because of the 1991 Iraq War. In 1994, he was investigated for being a member of the Palestinian organizations PFLP and PLO and for threatening to kill an Israeli intelligence officer living in San Diego.

The investigation was closed, but reopened again in 1997 when he was tied to a possible plot in North Carolina. Apparently, it is closed again before 9/11. He also associates with Osama Basnan and others who have contacts with the hijackers. Witnesses later claim Osama Mustafa cheers when first told of the 9/11 attacks.
Tampa Fl Welcomes Osama “Sam” Mustafa he Employed 9/11 Hijackers in San Diego, His Pal Askia Muhammad Aquil Says the US was overreacting to Sept. 11.
TAMPA TRIBUNE…Published December 8, 2005.

All over Tampa Bay, word of Sami Al-Arian’s acquittals spread from Muslim to Muslim.The cell phone of Osama “Sam” Mustafa, a Palestinian-American from Riverview Fl, chimed with the news at the Al-Aqsa Coffee House in Temple Terrace, where Mustafa was enjoying the flavored smoke of a “hookah” water pipe. Osama "Sam" Mustafa was interviewed by the FBI as part of a government response to Sept. 11.

Osama Mustafa; Owner of Texaco where hijacker Hazmi and Abdullah worked; Cheered upon hearing of 911 attacks; Tied to 1997 terrorist plot in N. Carolina; Under FBI watch since ’91, then in ’94 & ’97, Osama Mustafa is now living in Tampa Fl. The 9/11 Congressional Inquiry strongly implies that Salamah and Osama Mustafa assisted the hijackers with the 9/11 plot, but the FBI appears uninterested in them and maintains that the hijackers received no assistance from anyone. (Now We Know Better).

Hani Hanjour, pilot; Nawaf al Hazmi, Khalid al Mihdhar, 9/11 hijackers all of who either worked at or were introduced to ”Sam’s” Star Mart in La Mesa CA (near San Diego) which was owned by Osama “Sam” Mustafa.

From information provided by a confidential source it was learned that the 9/11 hijacker Nawaf Alhazmi had a US B-1/B-2 Multiple Entry Visa, and on this visa that was issued 4/07/1999, Alhazmi had listed the Spring Street address of Sam’s Star Market as where he wold be staying, this is before he ever came into the USA.

Also mentioned in the report was an unnamed Muslim cleric who became a spiritual adviser to Alhazmi and al-Midhar. Anwar Al-Awlaki is the former leader of the Masjid Ar-Ribat al-Islami mosque on Saranac Street on the border of San Diego and La Mesa, which was attended regularly by the hijackers and their acquaintances. The FBI opened a counterterrorism inquiry into imam Anwar Al-Awlaki’s activities in June 1999.

When the imam moved to one of the largest Muslim communities in the country at the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Va., Alhazmi and hijacker Hani Hanjour followed and began attending that mosque, the report said.
Osama bin Laden al-Qaeda Agents Prior to 9/11 in Sarasota Fl Were Imam Muneer Arafat And His Roommate Ziyad Khaleel.  Law Enforcement Sensitive, Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa and roommate of Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat is verified as a procurement agent of Osama Bin Laden, why did Muneer Arafat get a pass.

Muneer Arafat was the Imam at the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton (ISSB) Mosque from early 2000 to the end of 2003, he showed up just prior to Mohamed Atta and the rest of the 9/11 terrorists in nearby Nokomis Fl. Imam Muneer Arafat quotes “I’m not opposed to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s goal of destroying Israel and replacing it with an Islamic state”. “Muslims need to stay unified, and they should support the Palestinian uprising known as the intifada”.

Imam Muneer Arafat was also linked to the Masjid Al-Ihsaan Mosque at 977 Fulton St Brooklyn New York for a period of time in 2005 and then again in 2007.

Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat says convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian tried to recruit him into a faction of Palestinian Islamic Jihad in 1988 but he was already a PIJ terror member with the Tamimi faction. Muneer Arafat also lied about being a US citizen, was the roomate of an al-Qaeda terrorist, Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa, solicitated funds for terror organizations and worked for the FBI as a paid confidential informant on a international stolen car scam, a very busy boy.

Muneer Arafat, 47, said he had spent months and months talking to a Sarasota suspect in another case (stolen car scam shipped to Middle East) at the request of the FBI, which collected much of the evidence in the Al-Arian case, Muneer Arafat was paid $35,000 by the FBI.

Federal Bureau of Prisons results for Sarasota Imam Muneer K. Arafat, prisoner number 28523-044, not currently in custody, arrest date 11/27/02 Sarasota Fl (see his photo above).  MUNEER KAZEM ARAFAT 28523-044 44 White M DOB 5/10/1963 NOT IN BOP CUSTODY http://www.bop.gov/iloc2/LocateInmate.jsp  Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate loacter website.

“Arafat said he once was deported for overstaying his visa but never was charged with any crime for lying on the voting application.” he said he twice registered to vote in St. Louis, once under his real name and once under a false name. He said he did not vote. So how did he get back into the USA ?

Ziyad Khaleel, also known as Khalil Ziyad, Ziyad Sadaqa, and Ziyad Abdulrahman, was a Palestinian-American al-Qaeda member, based in the United States, primarily in Colorado, Florida, Michigan and Missouri. He had been identified as a “procurement agent” for Osama bin Laden, arranging the purchase and delivery of “computers, satellite telephones, and covert surveillance equipment” for the leadership of al-Qaeda,as well as administering a number of radical Islamic websites as webmaster, including the website of the terrorist group Hamas in Orlando Fl.

The FBI investigated Anwar al-Awlaki, later linked to three of the 9/11 hijackers, the Fort Hood shooter, and the Christmas Day 2009 bomber, beginning in June 1999 through March 2000, after it learned he had been contacted by Ziyad Khaleel in Colorado.

Ziyad Khaleel was/is a terrorist and he was communicating with agents of Osama Bin Laden from at least 1996 in Columbia MO and purchased communication equipment, (satellite phone) for Osama bin Laden which was used to co-ordinate the two 1998 US Embassy bombings in Africa, hundreds were killed. During this time period 1996 to 1998, future Sarasota Imam (in 2000) Muneer Arafat was in the same apartment were phone calls, e-mails and faxes are coming in from agents of Osama bin Laden planning mass bombings in Africa. …. see St Louis Dispatch article about Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa and roommate of Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat, above.

Bill Warner Private Investigator Sarasota Fl at www.wbipi.com

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