Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Obama Enjoys A hamburger Today for $2.4 Trillion Tomorrow: Takes his debt team out for burgers


A hamburger today for $2.4 trillion tomorrow
August 3, 2011

President Obama took his debt team out for burgers at Good Stuff Eatery on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, giving new meaning to the "Popeye" character Wimpy's catchphrase "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today."
The White House said the outing, at which the president consumed a meal of about 1,700 calories, was a reward for the debt team's "nonstop" work over the last few months as they worked out a deal with Capitol Hill to extend the government's borrowing limit. Mr. Obama signed the extension into law Tuesday, just ahead of the deadline, allowing up to $2.4 trillion in debt to be accumulated.
Good Stuff marks the latest stop in Mr. Obama's Hamburger Diplomacy in and around Washington.
He famously treated Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to a burger at Ray's Hell Burger, which is across the Potomac in Arlington. And he's also frequented Five Guys, an institution in the Washington area that has now spread its franchises across the country.
But in hitting Good Stuff the president is invading territory more to his wife's liking. Mrs. Obama has been there several times, and even has a burger named after her: The Michelle Melt Free Range Turkey Burger.
Despite Mrs. Obama's push for healthy eating, burgers are a clear favorite of the president's — or, more exactly, cheeseburgers. It's been his most common order on campaign and official presidential stops.
It was his first meal on Air Force One, and since his appearance on the national stage as a presidential candidate it has been his most common order on campaign and official presidential stops.
His order on Wednesday: burger, fries and a shake.

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